Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Poetry of snow #1 Snow in the yard!

yuàn zhōng yù xuě yìng zhì
苑 中 遇 雪 应 制

                         (Author) sòng zhī wèn
                                ------ 宋 之 问

zǐ jìn xiān yú jié dàn lái, qīng qí yáo yǐ wàng chūn tái。
紫 禁 仙 舆 诘 旦 来, 青 旂 遥 倚 望 春 台。

bù zhī tíng xiàn jīn zhāo luò, yí shì lín huā zuó yè kāi。
不 知 庭 霰 今 朝 落, 疑 是 林 花 昨 夜 开。

紫禁: the Chinese imperial palace                          
仙舆: ride for the emperor
诘旦: early morning                                                
来: is coming
青旂: flag                                                                
遥: far away
倚: lay back on                                                        
望: look at
春台: the place where people go look at the          
不知: don't know
庭霰: snow that falls into the yard                        
今朝: this morning
落: fall                                                                    
疑是: suspect that
林花: flowers in the forest                                      
昨夜: last night
开: bloom

The author woke up in the morning without knowing that it snowed last night. He looked at the yard and thought it's white everywhere because the flowers were blooming.

In Chinese poetry, it's common to compare snow to white flowers. Both are white, pure and beautiful!

It actually snowed this morning. I looked out of the window and everywhere was just so white.  The beautiful scenery reminds me of this poetry. Enjoy!

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