Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Poetry of ocean #1 Actually a sad love story!

lí sī

    (Author) yuán zhěn
               ----元 稹

céng jīng cāng hǎi nán wéi shuǐ,chú què wū shān bù shì yún。
曾 经 沧 海 难 为 水, 除 却 巫 山 不 是 云。

qǔ cì huā cóng lǎn huí gù,bàn yuán xiū dào bàn yuán jūn。
取 次 花 丛 懒 回 顾, 半 缘 修 道 半 缘 君。

曾经: visited back then                                            
沧海: the ocean
难为: doesn't worth visiting                                    
水: water
除却: nothing but                                                    
巫山: the name of a mountain
不是: isn't                                                                
云: cloud
取次: doesn't pay attention                                    
花丛: flowers, but it means beautiful girls here
懒: lazy                                                                  
回顾: look back
半缘: half of the reason                                          
修道: on a mission trip
君: lover

Once you saw the ocean, you won't be impressed by the water elsewhere; once you experienced the cloud and rain in Mountain Wu, you won't be surprised by the cloud elsewhere. I walked by a group of young girls but didn't look back. Half of it is because I'm on a mission trip, the other half is that I've already had someone in my heart.

The author's wife died a while ago. He missed his wife so much that nothing can replace her in his heart. Such a sad by moving story >_<...

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