About Michigo

Basis Information:

Blog name: Michigo
Location: Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Gmail: michigostudio@gmail.com
Google+ account: Michigo Studio
Twitter account: @michigo_studio



I grew up reading a lot of ancient Chinese literature. I liked them a lot because the ancient Chinese language is just so CONCISE and beautiful! If you read them out loud, they will sound like a song. I used to go to some parks after class, lay down on the grass and read these poems and novels.

This habit lasted a while until I entered college as a biological student. I was so focusing on research that I didn't want to spend time reading these poems anymore. But after a few years, I suddenly realized that there's something missing in my life, something beautiful!

I decided to start this blog to share these beautiful ancient poems with people! I want to show my friends and my families how beautiful these poems are!

Even as a native Chinese speaker, it's hard to understand ancient Chinese because the grammar and pronunciations might be different. And also there are some words missing nowadays. I've been training in understanding Chinese for more than 10 years. I want to teach people all I've learned and learning something new with everyone interested in learning ancient Chinese!

Feel free to contact me through gmail, google+ or twitter if you have any question!


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