Friday, March 17, 2017

Poetry of life #3 Life is strong!

fù dé gǔ yuán cǎo sòng bié
赋 得 古 原 草 送 别

                          (Author) bái jū yì
                                    ----白 居易

lí lí yuán shàng cǎo,yī suì yī kū róng。
离离原 上 草, 一 岁 一 枯 荣。

yě huǒ shāo bù jìn,chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng。
野 火 烧 不 尽, 春 风 吹 又 生。

yuǎn fāng qīn gǔ dào,qíng cuì jiē huāng chéng。
远 芳 侵 古 道, 晴 翠 接 荒 城。

yòu sòng wáng sūn qù,qī qī mǎn bié qíng。
又 送 王 孙 去,萋萋 满 别 情。

赋得: making Chinese poems under a special rule, meaning that the author need to use previous poems as the theme.
送别: farewell                                                       
离离: the grass growing well
原: grassland                                                        
一岁: a year
枯/荣/生: die/grow/sprout                                     
野火: fire in the wild
不尽: not completely                                            
春风: wind in the spring
吹: blow                                                                
远芳: the smell travels far away
侵: invade                                                             
古道: ancient road
晴翠: the grass looks bright and green                
荒城: abandoned city
王孙: usually means offsprings of rich families, but here it refers to the author's friends.
萋萋: the same as 离离, the grass growing well
别情: the feeling from farewell

The grass on the field was growing so well! Every year, they died once and grew back once. Even the fire could not eliminate the grass completely. Once the wind of spring time blew, the grass would grow again! The grass smelled so good and the smell travelled so far away that you could smell it on the ancient road. Their life was so strong that they also grew in the abandoned cities. The author needed to say goodbye to his friend again. The grass was full of the feelings that he had for his friend!    

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