Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Poetry of relationship #2 When would I get a letter from you?

yī jiǎn méi
一 剪 梅

           (Author) lǐ qīng zhào
                    ----李 清 照

hóng ǒu xiāng cán yù diàn qiū, qīng jiě luó cháng, dú shàng lán zhōu。
红 藕 香 残 玉 簟 秋,轻 解 罗 裳,独 上 兰 舟。

yún zhōng shuí jì jǐn shū laí,yàn zì huí shí,yuè mǎn xī lóu。
云 中 谁 寄 锦 书 来?雁 字 回 时,月 满 西 楼。

huā zì piāo líng shuǐ zì liú, yī zhǒng xiāng sī, liǎng chù xián chóu。
花 自 飘 零 水 自 流,一 种 相 思,两 处 闲 愁。

cǐ qíng wú jì kě xiāo chú, cái xià méi tóu, qùe shàng xīn tóu。
此 情 无 计 可 消 除,才 下 眉 头,却 上 心 头。

Please feel free to let me know in the comments if there's any other words you don't understand!
红藕: red lotus
香残: wither
玉簟秋: beautiful bamboo mat is cold, meaning autumn is coming
罗裳: clothes
兰舟: boats made of a special kind of wood
云: clouds
锦书: letters
雁: wild goose
回: heading back
月: the moon
飘零: fading and falling
水: stream
相思: missing someone
无计: have no method
消除: eliminate
眉头: brows
心头: heart 

The red locus was withering away. The cold bamboo mat reminded me that autumn was coming. I took off my clothes and boarded the boat by myself. I looked at the clouds in the sky and was wondering who would send me a letter. It's the season that wild goose would travel back to the south. The moonlight was so bright and was shining onto the buildings.

Flowers were fading and falling. I was missing my husband a lot! I cannot stop missing him! Even if I managed to forgot about it for a little bit, the feeling would come back to me immediately.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Poetry of alcohol #2 Drink more so you won't feel lonely on the way!

sòng yuán èr shǐ ān xī
送 元 二 使 安 西

                  (Author) wáng wéi

wèi chéng zhāo yǔ yì qīng chén,kè shè qīng qīng liǔ sè xīn。
渭 城 朝 雨 浥 轻 尘, 客 舍 青 青 柳 色 新。

quàn jūn gèng jìn yī bēi jiǔ,xī chū yáng guān wú gù rén。
劝 君 更 尽 一 杯 酒, 西 出 阳 关 无 故 人。

元二: the name of the author's friend                               
使: go somewhere with a mission
安西: a place in Tang Dynasty, now it's in Xinjiang          
渭城: a city next to XiAn, the capital
朝雨: the rain in the morning                                            
浥: soak
客舍: hotel                                                                        
青青: green
柳: willow                                                                          
新: new
劝: persuade                                                                     
君: the author's friend
一杯酒: a cup of white wine                                              
西: west
阳关: YangGuan, a very important city on the way to the west, now it's in Gansu
无: there is no                                                                   
故人: old friends

It's raining in the morning in the city! The willow looked fresh and green because of the rain. I was drinking with my friend because he's going to the far west. I asked him to drink more because after he past YangGuan on his way, there would not be any old friend who could drink with him anymore!

Poetry of life #6 Homesickness during the war!

chūn wànɡ
春 望

          (Author) dù fǔ
                   ----杜 甫

ɡuó pò shān hé zài,chénɡ chūn cǎo mù shēn。
国 破 山 河 在, 城 春 草 木 深。

ɡǎn shí huā jiàn lèi,hèn bié niǎo jīnɡ xīn。
感 时 花 溅 泪, 恨 别 鸟 惊 心。

fēnɡ huǒ lián sān yuè,jiā shū dǐ wàn jīn。
烽 火 连 三 月, 家 书 抵 万 金。

bái tóu sāo ɡènɡ duǎn,hún yù bù shènɡ zān。
白 头 搔 更 短, 浑 欲 不 胜 簪。

国/城: capital of Tang Dynasty, XiAn                          
破: get invaded
山河: mountains and rivers                                        
在: still exist
草木深: grass and trees are everywhere, meaning the citied is abandoned
感时: being sad about the situation                           
花: flowers
溅泪: crying                                                                
恨别: have to leave
鸟: birds                                                                     
烽火: fire indicating the war
三月: three months, January, February, March          
家书: letters for home
万金: a lot of gold                                                       
白头: white hair
短: short                                                                     
不胜: cannot handle it
簪: hairpin

The capital got invaded by the enemies. The country did not exist anymore even though the mountains and rivers were still there! As I was walking in the capital, all I could see were grass and trees. I was so sad about the situation that even the flowers next to me were crying. Even the birds could feel that I didn't want to leave the country. The war had been going on for three months since January. I wanted to send a letter home, but it's so expensive! I scratched my head too hard that I started to loose my white hair. The hair got too short for me to use the hairpin.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Poetry of life #5 Miss you, take care!

wú tí
无 题

    (Author) lǐ shāng yǐn
             ----李 商 隐
xiāng jiàn shí nán bié yì nán,dōng fēng wú lì bǎi huā cán。
相 见 时 难 别 亦 难, 东 风 无 力百 花 残。

chūn cán dào sǐ sī fāng jìn,là jù chéng huī lèi shǐ gān。
春 蚕 到 死 丝 方 尽,蜡炬 成 灰 泪 始 干。

xiǎo jìng dàn chóu yún bìn gǎi,yè yín yīng jué yuè guāng hán。
晓 镜 但 愁 云 鬓 改,夜 吟 应 觉 月 光 寒。

péng shān cǐ qù wú duō lù,qīng niǎo yīn qín wèi tàn kàn
蓬 山 此 去 无 多 路, 青 鸟 殷 勤 为 探 看。

无题: no specific title                                                  
相见: meet up
难: hard                                                                      
别: leave
东风: wind blown from the east, also wind in the spring
残: wither                                                                    
春蚕: spring silkworms
死: die                                                                         
丝: silk
尽: use up                                                                   
蜡炬: candles
灰: ash                                                                        
泪: tears of the candles
干: dry up                                                                    
晓: morning
镜: mirrors                                                                   
愁: worry about
云鬓: woman's hair                                                     
改: change
夜吟: read poems at night                                          
月光: moonlight
寒: cold                                                                         
蓬山: mysterious mountain on the sea, referring to author's lover's house here
路: road                                                                      
青鸟: legendary birds who pass messages between two lovers
殷勤: strong relationship                                            
探看: visit

Line by line because the first two lines of this poem have special meanings!!!!

It's hard to find you, but it's even harder to leave you! The spring wind which brought the warmth to the land was not very strong this year, so the flowers started to wither away! (## Special meaning! The author used wind to compare to himself, meaning that the author had no choice but to leave, so his lover was very sad! ##)

Spring silkworms would not stop making silk until they died! The tears of the candles would not dry up until the candles burned up! (##Special meaning! The author actually used silkworms and candles to compare to himself, meaning that his love for his lover would not end until he died ##)

I could image you looking into the mirror and worry about getting old. I could also imagine myself reading poem on cold nights under the moonlight!

From now on, it will be impossible for me to come visit you! Hope the legendary birds could visit you from time to time and deliver my love for you!

Poetry of alcohol #1 Drink before fighting!

liánɡ zhōu cí
凉 州 词

         (Author) wánɡ hàn
                     ----王 翰
pú táo měi jiǔ yè ɡuānɡ bēi,yù yǐn pí pá mǎ shànɡ cuī。
葡 萄 美 酒 夜 光 杯, 欲 饮 琵 琶 马 上 催。

zuì wò shā chǎng jūn mò xiào,gǔ lái zhēng zhàn jǐ rén huí。
醉 卧 沙 场 君 莫 笑, 古 来 征 战 几 人 回。

葡萄: grapes                                                          
美酒: tasty white wine
夜光杯: cups made of jade shining under light, referring to expensive cups
: going to                                                           
: drink
琵琶: an ancient Chinese instrument, referring to the sound of war here
: urge                                                                 
: drunk
: laying down                                                    
沙场: battle field
: do not                                                              
: laugh
古来: from before                                                 
征战: go into a war
: make it back

Next to the grapes, there were expensive cups with tasty white wine. I was about to drink the wine, but the sound was telling me it's time to get onto the battlefield. If I drank too much and could not stand up on the field, please do not laugh at me! How many people have made it back alive from the war?