Chinese adages, the shortcut to understanding Chinese culture


xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ
心 如 止 水

心: heart, referring to thoughts, believes and ideas
如: is like
止: stable
水: water

Your heart is like the stable water. It means that you are so strong that your thoughts, believes or ideas will not be changed because of the change of the environments.


hǎi nà bǎi chuān,yǒu róng nǎi dà。
bì lì qiān rèn,wú yù zé gāng。

海: ocean
纳: obtain
川: rivers
容: tolerance 
大: big
壁: cliff
欲: desire
刚: strong

The ocean can obtain the water from a lot of rivers, that's why it can get so big! The cliff can stand there strong because it has no desire. Be patient, be strong! No expectations, no desires! And then you can get strong!


rú rén yǐn shuǐ ,lěng nuǎn zì zhī

如: like
人: people
饮水: drink water
冷: cold
暖: warm
自: yourself
知: know

It's like people drinking water. Only you yourself know whether it's too cold or too hot for you. It means that it's hard for other people who's not having the exact experience to understand how you feel in a situation. Only you yourself know exactly how you feel!


qiǎo fù nán wéi wú mǐ zhī chuī
巧 妇 难 为 无 米 之 炊

巧妇: intelligent and skilled woman
难为: hard to cook
无: no
米: rice
炊: cook

Even the intelligent and skilled women cannot cook a meal without any rice. It tells people that it's hard to succeed without having all important components.


shí shí wù zhě wéi jùn jié

识: have a clear understanding of
时务: the trend of the times
为: is
俊杰: outstanding people

People who have a clear understanding of the trend of the times will become outstanding!


zhǐ kě yì huìbù kě yán chuán

只: only
可: can
意会: understand
言传: tell/pass down by words

Some feelings/emotions can only be felt by understanding. They cannot be passed down by words. (This phrase itself is hard to translate because I cannot think of a work that explains "意会")


sān rén xíng bì yǒu wǒ shī
三 人 行 必 有 我 师

三: three, meaning a lot
人: people
必有: must have
我师: my teacher

A lot of people walking by. There much be my teacher among them. It means that other people must have something that we can learn from.


hài rén zhī xīn bù kě yǒu fáng rén zhī xīn bù kě wú。
害 人 之 心 不 可 有,防 人 之 心 不 可 无。

害人: injure other people
心: idea
不可: cannot
有: have
防人: watch out
无: do not have

You should not have any idea of hurting other people, but you should not put your guard down! You should also watch out for people who might hurt you!


ěr tīng wéi xū,yǎn jiàn wéi shí。
耳 听 为 虚,眼 见 为 实。

耳: ears
听: hear
虚: cannot be verified to to true
眼: eyes
见: see
实: true

What you hear from people may not be real, you need to confirm with your own eyes!


móu shì zài rén,chéng shì zài tiān
谋 事 在 人, 成 事 在 天。

谋: plan
事: event
人: people
成: succeed
天: timing and luck

It depends on people how they plan the events, but whether they will succeed also depends on timing and luck, which are out of their control!


jìn zhū zhě chì,jìn mò zhě hēi。
近 朱 者 赤,近 墨 者 黑。

近: getting close
朱/赤: red
着: people
墨/黑: black

If you get close to red ink, you will turn red; if you get close to black ink, you will turn black. It tells us that the environment (family, friendship, school, workplace, etc.) determines who you will be! Be careful when you choose an environment!


rén bù kě mào xiàng,hǎi shuǐ bù kě dǒu liáng。
人 不 可 貌 相, 海 水 不 可 斗 量。

人: people
不可: cannot
貌: appearance
相: judge
海水: water in the ocean
斗: dou, a container used in ancient China to measure liquid volumes
量: measure

People cannot be judged by their appearance, just like ocean cannot be measured by dou!


liú dé qīng shān zài,bù pà méi chái shāo。
留 得 青 山 在, 不 怕 没 柴 烧。

留得: keep
青山: green mountains, referring to the mountains with a lot of trees
不怕: do not worry about
没: no
柴: branches
烧: keep

As long as you have the green mountains around you, you won't need to worry about having no tree branches to burn. Nowadays, it means that as long as you are alive, you will find a way out of current bad situations.


bīng dòng sān chǐ,fēi yī rì zhī hán。
冰 冻 三 尺,非 一日 之 寒。

冰: ice
冻: freeze
三尺: three "chi", about a meter
非: not
一日: one day
寒: cold

The water freezes not because it's only cold for a day. Usually it takes a few cold days for the water to freeze. It tells us that everything happens because the reasons caused it to happen have been accumulating for a while. Nothing happens without any reason!


lù yáo zhī mǎ lì,rì jiǔ jiàn rén xīn。
路 遥 知 马力,日久 见 人 心。

路遥: long trips
马力: strength of the horse
日久: long time
人心: how good the person is

Only going on a long trip can you tell how strong the horse is; only after a long time can you tell how good/bad a person is! Take your time, everything will be clear!

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