Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Poetry of the moon #1 When can I see this moon again?

zhōng qiū yuè
中 秋 月

                (Author) sū shì
                         ----苏 轼

mù yún shōu jìn yì qīng hán,yín hàn wú shēng zhuǎn yù pán。
暮 云 收 尽 溢 清 寒,银 汉 无 声 转 玉 盘。

cǐ shēng cǐ yè bù cháng hǎo,míng yuè míng nián hé chù kàn。
此 生 此 夜 不 长 好,明 月 明 年 何 处 看。

暮: night time
云: clouds
收尽: disappear completely
清寒: slight coldness
银汉: Milky Way
无声: silent
玉盘: the moon
此生: this life
此夜: tonight
不长: not often
明月: the bright moon
明年: next year
何处: where
看: appreciate

At night time, the clouds disappeared completely and it turned slightly cold. The milky way was silent with the moon moving on it. It would not be often to see such beautiful moon like tonight in this life. Next year, where could I go to see a moon like this?