Famous poets of the Tang Dynasty

#1 李白,杜甫,白居易

If you want to learn some ancient Chinese poems but don't know where to start, you can just look up the poems written by the following three poets! They are SO SO SO popular that we've been learning their poems since a very young age (5 years old for me)! And even now if you ask Chinese people about ancient poets, most possibly they will talk about at least one of them!

They all lived in the Tang Dynasty, but they were not in the same generation. Because of the different social experiences, their poems would give you different feelings.

李白lǐ bái

杜甫 dù fǔ

白居易 bái jū yì

#2 初唐四杰 Four Paragons of the Early Tang

These are the four famous poets in the early Tang Dynasty! They are not as famous as the ones on top, but their poems are easy to understand. Maybe because the early Tang Dynasty is peaceful, so these poets didn't experience as much as Dufu did. Their poems are not as complicated either.

初唐四杰  chū táng sì jié

王勃 wáng bó

杨炯 yáng jiǒng

卢照邻 lú zhào lín

骆宾王 luò bīn wáng

刘禹锡 liú yǔ xī

李商隐 lǐ shāng yǐn

元稹 yuán zhěn

杜牧 dù mù

王维 wáng wéi

韩愈 hán yù

孟浩然 mèng hào rán

李贺 lǐ hè

王昌龄 wánɡ chānɡ línɡ

张九龄 zhāng jiǔ líng

宋之问 sòng zhī wèn

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