Friday, March 17, 2017

Poetry of relationship #1 I miss you!

xiāng sī
相 思

      (Author) wáng wéi
                 ----王 维

hónɡ dòu shēnɡ nán ɡuó,chūn lái fā jǐ zhī。
红 豆 生 南 国, 春 来 发几枝。

yuàn jūn duō cǎi xié,cǐ wù zuì xiāng sī。
愿 君 多 采 撷,此 物 最 相 思 。

相思: I miss you 
红豆: a kind of red bean, the symbol of missing someone
南国: south part of the country 
: spring
: hope 
采撷: pick up
此物: this thing, referring to the red beans 
: most

Red beans grew in the south part of the country. How many of them would sprout in the spring time? Hope you pick up some red beans, because they are the symbol of missing someone!

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