Thursday, March 16, 2017

Poetry of life #1 Don't give up on hope!

yóu shān xī cūn
游 山 西 村

                   (Author) lù yóu
                            ----陆 游

mò xiào nóng jiā là jiǔ hún,fēng nián liú kè zú jī tún。
莫 笑 农 家 腊 酒 浑, 丰 年 留 客 足鸡豚。

shān chóng shuǐ fù yí wú lù,liǔ àn huā míng yòu yī cūn。
山 重 水 复 疑 无 路,柳暗 花 明 又 一 村。

xiāo gǔ zhuī suí chūn shè jìn,yī guàn jiǎn pǔ gǔ fēng cún。
箫 鼓 追 随 春 社 近, 衣 冠 简 朴 古 风 存。

cóng jīn ruò xǔ xián chéng yuè,zhǔ zhàng wú shí yè kòu mén
从 今 若 许 闲 乘 月, 拄 杖 无 时 夜 叩 门。

: visit                                                               
山西村: a village
莫笑: do not laugh at                                          
农家: famers
腊酒: wine made in December                            
: not clear
丰年: refers to the year that farmers grow and get a lot of crops
留客: treat the visitors                                         
鸡豚: chicken and pigs
/: mountains and lakes                                
and: again and again
疑无路: doubt there will be any paths                 
/: trees/flowers
又一村: another village                                        
/: bamboo flute/drum
春社: one of 24 traditional Chinese days to mark the seasons
衣冠: clothes and hats                                         
简朴: simple
古风: ancient style                                              
从今: from now on
若许: if like this                                                  
乘月: in the moonlight
拄杖: hold the walking stick                               
无时: from time to time
扣门: knock on the door

The author was visiting a village. The farmers just had a nice year, so they had a lot of chicken, pork and white wine. There were so many mountains and lakes on the way that the author almost lost the hope, but among some trees and flower the author finally saw a village. The local music was telling him that the spring was on the way. Also, people in this town dressed up like ancient people. From now on, if the author had time walking in this beautiful moon light, he would knock on the neighborhood's doors.

(Special meaning)

山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。This sentence has a special meaning. It means that sometimes you will encounter so many difficulties that you may lose hope, but if you keep going, you will find your way eventually.

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