Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Poetry of snow #2 A long one about farewell!

bái xuě gē sòng wǔ pàn guān guī jīng
白 雪 歌 送 武 判 官 归 京

                                (Author) cén shēn
                                         -----岑 参

běi fēng juǎn dì bái cǎo shé,hú tiān bā yuè jí fēi xuě。
北 风 卷 地 白 草 折, 胡 天 八 月 即 飞 雪。

hū rú yī yè chūn fēng lái,qiān shù wàn shù lí huā kāi。
忽 如 一 夜 春 风 来, 千 树 万 树 梨 花 开。

sàn rù zhū lián shī luó mù,hú qiú bù nuǎn jǐn qīn bó。
散 入 珠 帘 湿 罗 幕, 狐 裘 不 暖 锦 衾 薄。

jiāng jūn jiǎo gōng bù dé kòng,dū hù tiě yī lěng nán zhuó。
将 军 角 弓 不 得 控, 都 护 铁 衣 冷 难 着。

hàn hǎi lán gān bǎi zhàng bīng,chóu yún cǎn dàn wàn lǐ níng。
瀚 海 阑 干 百 丈 冰, 愁 云 惨 淡 万 里 凝。

zhōng jūn zhì jiǔ yǐn guī kè,hú qín pí pá yǔ qiāng dí。
中 军 置 酒 饮 归 客, 胡 琴 琵 琶 与 羌 笛。
fēn fēn mù xuě xià yuán mén,fēng chè hóng qí dòng bù fān。
纷 纷 暮 雪 下 辕 门, 风 掣 红 旗 冻 不 翻。

lún tái dōng mén sòng jūn qù,qù shí xuě mǎn tiān shān lù。
轮 台 东 门 送 君 去, 去 时 雪 满 天 山 路。

shān huí lù zhuǎn bù jiàn jūn,xuě shàng kōng liú mǎ xíng chù。
山 回 路 转 不 见 君, 雪 上 空 留 马 行 处。

There are so many words in this poem. I won't cover all of them below. Leave a comment if there's a word in Chinese that you don't understand and it's not down here~
武判官: an occupation in ancient China. It refers to the author's friend who's going to leave.
北风: the wind in winter                                      
白草: grass in winter covering in snow
胡天: sky in the northwest                                    
飞雪: is snowing
梨花: pear flowers, here it refers to snow              
珠帘and罗幕: decorations at the door
狐裘: clothes made from foxes                            
锦衾: bed sheets made of silk
将军and都护: occupations in ancient China        
角弓: bow
铁衣: armor                                                            
阑干: everywhere
瀚海: even though it has sea in the word, it means the desert            
惨淡: very dark                                                      
中军: headquarters
置酒: have a party                                                  
归客: it refers to the author's friend
胡琴and琵琶and羌笛: musical instruments played in the northwest
辕门: door of the headquarters                              
风掣: the wind blows
轮台and天山: ancient Chinese cities                    
回and转: curve            

The author and his friend were both serving in the military in the far northwest. The northwest is so cold that it's already snowing during August. His friend needed to go back to the main city, so the author prepared a party for him on the day he needed to leave. It's so cold that day that the soldiers could not pick up their weapon or wear their armor. It was snowing during the party. The snow got into the room and even the bed sheet could not keep them warm. Eventually it's time for the author's friend to leave. The author stood in the snow and watch his friend disappearing far away. The only thing left on the snow was the footprints.

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