Saturday, April 22, 2017

Poetry of Spring #4 Spring is the best!

zǎo chūn
早 春

       (Author) hán yù
                 ----韩 愈

tiān jiē xiǎo yǔ rùn rú sū ,cǎo sè yáo kàn jìn què wú 。
天 街 小 雨 润 如 酥,草 色 遥 看 近 却 无。

zuì shì yī nián chūn hǎo chù ,jué shèng yān liǔ mǎn huáng dōu 。
最 是 一 年 春 好 处,绝 胜 烟 柳 满 皇 都。

早: early
春: spring
天街: streets in the capital city
小雨: light rain
润如酥: meaning that the rain is so light that it's like animal's oil
草色: the color of the grass
遥看: look at from far away
近: stay close
却: however
无: nothing, here it means sparse
最是: right now
一年: a year
好处: the best time
绝胜: much better
烟柳: willows
满: full
皇都: capital city, Chang An

I was standing in the street in Chang An, the capital city. It was raining slightly. The rain was so light that it felt like animal's oil. When I looked far away, the grass was so green that it filled the whole city. However when I moved close, the grass was actually pretty sparse. Right now was the best time in spring. It's much better than when the city was full of green willows.

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