Friday, April 21, 2017

Poetry of Spring #3 Spring is colorful!

chūn rì
春 日

(Author) zhū xī
          ----朱 熹

shèng rì xún fāng sì shuǐ bīn,wú biān guāng jǐng yī shí xīn。

děng xián shí dé dōng fēng miàn,wàn zǐ qiān hóng zǒng shì chūn。

春日: spring time
胜日: sunny days
寻芳: go onto a field trip, it's common for ancient Chinese poets to go out and enjoy the spring in the wild
泗水: Si River, a river in Shandong Province
滨: edge of the river
无边: meaning that the field was so big that you cannot see the limit/edge
光景: scenery
一时新: take on a completely new look
等闲: easy
识得: can recognize
东风: wind blowing from the east, referring to the wind of spring
面: appearance
万/千: meaning a lot
紫/红: purple/red, referring to colorful flowers
总是: always

On a sunny day in spring, I went out onto a field trip next to the Si River. The field was so big that I could not see the edge of it. Since spring time, the scenery had completely changed and now it looked so refreshing! It's easy to recognize the change that the spring wind had brought to this field. So many colorful flowers were blooming, suggesting that spring was here!

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