Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Poetry of relationship #2 When would I get a letter from you?

yī jiǎn méi
一 剪 梅

           (Author) lǐ qīng zhào
                    ----李 清 照

hóng ǒu xiāng cán yù diàn qiū, qīng jiě luó cháng, dú shàng lán zhōu。
红 藕 香 残 玉 簟 秋,轻 解 罗 裳,独 上 兰 舟。

yún zhōng shuí jì jǐn shū laí,yàn zì huí shí,yuè mǎn xī lóu。
云 中 谁 寄 锦 书 来?雁 字 回 时,月 满 西 楼。

huā zì piāo líng shuǐ zì liú, yī zhǒng xiāng sī, liǎng chù xián chóu。
花 自 飘 零 水 自 流,一 种 相 思,两 处 闲 愁。

cǐ qíng wú jì kě xiāo chú, cái xià méi tóu, qùe shàng xīn tóu。
此 情 无 计 可 消 除,才 下 眉 头,却 上 心 头。

Please feel free to let me know in the comments if there's any other words you don't understand!
红藕: red lotus
香残: wither
玉簟秋: beautiful bamboo mat is cold, meaning autumn is coming
罗裳: clothes
兰舟: boats made of a special kind of wood
云: clouds
锦书: letters
雁: wild goose
回: heading back
月: the moon
飘零: fading and falling
水: stream
相思: missing someone
无计: have no method
消除: eliminate
眉头: brows
心头: heart 

The red locus was withering away. The cold bamboo mat reminded me that autumn was coming. I took off my clothes and boarded the boat by myself. I looked at the clouds in the sky and was wondering who would send me a letter. It's the season that wild goose would travel back to the south. The moonlight was so bright and was shining onto the buildings.

Flowers were fading and falling. I was missing my husband a lot! I cannot stop missing him! Even if I managed to forgot about it for a little bit, the feeling would come back to me immediately.

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