Sunday, March 19, 2017

Poetry of alcohol #1 Drink before fighting!

liánɡ zhōu cí
凉 州 词

         (Author) wánɡ hàn
                     ----王 翰
pú táo měi jiǔ yè ɡuānɡ bēi,yù yǐn pí pá mǎ shànɡ cuī。
葡 萄 美 酒 夜 光 杯, 欲 饮 琵 琶 马 上 催。

zuì wò shā chǎng jūn mò xiào,gǔ lái zhēng zhàn jǐ rén huí。
醉 卧 沙 场 君 莫 笑, 古 来 征 战 几 人 回。

葡萄: grapes                                                          
美酒: tasty white wine
夜光杯: cups made of jade shining under light, referring to expensive cups
: going to                                                           
: drink
琵琶: an ancient Chinese instrument, referring to the sound of war here
: urge                                                                 
: drunk
: laying down                                                    
沙场: battle field
: do not                                                              
: laugh
古来: from before                                                 
征战: go into a war
: make it back

Next to the grapes, there were expensive cups with tasty white wine. I was about to drink the wine, but the sound was telling me it's time to get onto the battlefield. If I drank too much and could not stand up on the field, please do not laugh at me! How many people have made it back alive from the war?

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