Monday, March 20, 2017

Poetry of life #6 Homesickness during the war!

chūn wànɡ
春 望

          (Author) dù fǔ
                   ----杜 甫

ɡuó pò shān hé zài,chénɡ chūn cǎo mù shēn。
国 破 山 河 在, 城 春 草 木 深。

ɡǎn shí huā jiàn lèi,hèn bié niǎo jīnɡ xīn。
感 时 花 溅 泪, 恨 别 鸟 惊 心。

fēnɡ huǒ lián sān yuè,jiā shū dǐ wàn jīn。
烽 火 连 三 月, 家 书 抵 万 金。

bái tóu sāo ɡènɡ duǎn,hún yù bù shènɡ zān。
白 头 搔 更 短, 浑 欲 不 胜 簪。

国/城: capital of Tang Dynasty, XiAn                          
破: get invaded
山河: mountains and rivers                                        
在: still exist
草木深: grass and trees are everywhere, meaning the citied is abandoned
感时: being sad about the situation                           
花: flowers
溅泪: crying                                                                
恨别: have to leave
鸟: birds                                                                     
烽火: fire indicating the war
三月: three months, January, February, March          
家书: letters for home
万金: a lot of gold                                                       
白头: white hair
短: short                                                                     
不胜: cannot handle it
簪: hairpin

The capital got invaded by the enemies. The country did not exist anymore even though the mountains and rivers were still there! As I was walking in the capital, all I could see were grass and trees. I was so sad about the situation that even the flowers next to me were crying. Even the birds could feel that I didn't want to leave the country. The war had been going on for three months since January. I wanted to send a letter home, but it's so expensive! I scratched my head too hard that I started to loose my white hair. The hair got too short for me to use the hairpin.

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